Worker site overview
A worker site is a site that your end users are presented to. A Casewhere solution can have as many worker sites as needed. Each worker site has a unique URL, a different theme, and separate security policies.
Let's say you're developing a book shop solution. While you can totally manage all business processes using a worker site, it's better to separate them into different worker sites to target different audiences. A typical worker site breakdown can be as below:
- Frontend site: for shopping users
- URL:
- Theme: eCommerce, responsive is needed
- Security:
- Allow anonymous visitors
- Social login, e.g., Facebook, Google, Twitter
- Backend site: for the staff users to manage books, orders, etc.
- URL:
- Theme: eAdmin, no need for responsive
- Security:
- Username and password
- Configuration site: for the store manager or IT to configure the solution such as changing logo, translating text resources, adjusting business rules
- URL:
- Theme: eAdmin, no need for responsive
- Security:
- Username and password
- IP whitelisted
Organizing worker sites is a critical step when designing an enterprise solution. Doing it properly and at the early phase will make your solution securer while providing the best experience for the end-users. Furthermore, you can put each worker site in a different product so you can have multiple teams develop, deploy and maintain them separately, thus making the overall development process more effective.